Wednesday, September 12, 2007

D#3 HW#1, Reading Reflection

Well after reading this weeks assignments from the deadline sheet i have been opened to a hole new type of research essay. In the past, my research/persuasive essays have been you go to the library browse topics then write thesis and then find sources and write essay. However, it does make much more sense to us a research question and refine it as defined in Chapter 3. I see where it prevents that stress of where to start. I feel pretty confident on being able to find information due to that there are others subscription databases that i have used in past such as SRC Gold and SIRS. In turn, providing more access to information in different formats. One thing that is a little unclear is the purpose of the Rhetorical Situation flash/webpage. I get the 5 components, but the 3 examples i believe is what they are school, home, work; don't know how connected fully.

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